This is the second Swiss Chinooks litter. We are calling it Swiss Alps 2023! Nana has recovered from her first pregnancy and raising her first litter. Her coat has come back and she is looking fit. Nana has had a general medical check up with all results confirming everything is healthy and normal. Nana's hips have been confirmed a 'good' grade, elbows are 'normal' and eyes 'normal'. We have found 2 sires for this litter, whose frozen semen has been inseminated: 1) Meadowbrook Atlas and 2) CH Balsam Ridge Togo.
We expect puppies travelling by plane to their forever homes, in-cabin, to be collected at the beginning of 8 weeks old (Currently, this can be done flying with only SAS (Swedish airlines) from Zurich to Copenhagen and then from Copenhagen to either Newark or JFK if you reside in the USA). All other puppies are expected to be collected at the beginning of 10 weeks old or 15 weeks old (for puppies that require a rabies vaccine), unless exceptional arrangements have been made. We are happy for anyone interested to fill in a puppy application form and return it to us via email or postal mail. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us.
For all those who have sent in a puppy application and already visited us, you will be informed via email if you have been put on our waiting list for our Swiss Alps Litter. Which applicants will be receiving a puppy can only be determined after we know how many puppies Nana will be having and after conformation and temperament evaluation of the puppies (at 7 weeks old).
For all those who have yet to visit us, please contact us to make an arrangement to meet a Chinook.
If you are no longer interested or have found another Chinook breeder and wish to be taken off our waiting list, please contact us on info@swisschinookdogs.ch and kindly let us know. (please check that we have not landed in your spam mailbox)

Meadowbrook Atlas
Birth Date: 03 July 2004
UKC: A128,060
AKC: WS09107802

CH 'PR 'Balsam Ridge Togo
Birth Date: 19 February 2007
Height: 71.12cm (28 inches)
Weight: 38.55kg (85lbs)
UKC: P522,055
AKC: W32847601
PR Desert Sol Great Nana DNA-VP
Birth Date: 01 June 2016
Height: 59cm (23.2 inches)
Weight: 23.5kg (51.8lbs)
UKC: A914,104
AKC: WS54545906
Breeding Plans